For over 25 years, Gentle Giant Studios has striven to achieve it for their many clients on their myriad of projects. This has taken many forms over the years.
Early on, working with The Walt Disney Company, our traditional sculpting shop labored for weeks to get Minnie Mouse just right for approvers. Resculpting was required whenever there was a scale change, and that unfortunately meant starting again from scratch as the work was done in clay and wax.

A ‘Eureka!’ moment for our Founder Karl Meyer was the realization that new technologies had the possibility to completely change the game in our industry and assure the authenticity that was, and still is, our ultimate goal.
Blazing new trails since our very inception, Gentle Giant’s strong relationship with Chuck Hull – the inventor of 3D Printing (and Founder of 3D Systems) helped set the stage for what came next.
We were the first consumer products company to fully utilize and leverage the power of 3D Scanning. Specifically, that meant that once we got that Minnie Mouse approved, we could do a 3D scan of that physical model and use that data to rescale the approved piece with an exact replication via 3D Printing. Our first 3D Scanner was built fully in-house, and that device ended up on set in Sydney, Australia working on The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy. The objective then was to capture authentic assets that Lucasfilm could use to archive the characters, sets, props, and vehicles as they appeared on set on the day they were shot for the film.

1983 Chuck Hull Invents Stereolithography

The First 3D Printed Part

Today our techniques in data capture and processing continue to develop, our clients look to us to help them determine the best path to articulating their vision, and we do it together. We forge dreams into reality here at Gentle Giant, and we continue to assist our clients achieve their creative goals every day.

Blazing new trails since our very inception, Gentle Giant’s strong relationship with Chuck Hull – the inventor of 3D Printing (and Founder of 3D Systems) helped set the stage for what came next.