Program Management
All Hands on Deck
Product development by its very nature requires a coordinated and keenly aware effort. On projects of even modest size, teams be challenged to keep all the balls in the air. We can help by assisting in the coordination as required for the entire development cycle.
Concept to prototype to production. Astute crating, logistics, including ground transportation and installation as required. We’ve delivered hundreds of thousands of units in multiple streams to multiple worldwide territories.
The evolving nature of movie/game releases, artist schedules, regional holiday considerations, local customs, insurance and even weather all need to be actively monitored in order to keep ahead of any circumstances that might affect our plans.

A Sound Approach
Gentle Giant Studios is uniquely positioned to, after over 25 years leading our evolving industries, help our clients make it happen. We focus our efforts on team communication, acquiring and using a deep knowledge of our customers’ goals and product, and following through to the finish line.

Down to Basics
What are we making?
This covers the concept to prototype cycle as we get into the specifics of what the end uses are on the product and making it do its job, look great – and get approved.
Where is it going?
Whether it’s domestic or foreign production, we’ll get logistics organized. We’ll factor in a litany of variables as a team and make informed decisions on transport terms, customs clearance, duties and taxes, local governance, and insurance liabilities.
When does it need to be there?
Allowing enough time for goods to wind their way through what sometimes seems like a labyrinthine process is important, and can be frustrating in some regions when issues suddenly occur, and they do. The ‘when’ informs the ‘how’. Together we can get the goods made and moving, keep everyone supplied with the information they need to report to principals on demand, and get the job done.
“This was scanned many years ago, right? The result looks very much like me…”
Let's Get to Work Now
We’re ready to begin your project. At whatever development stage you find yourself, our team is poised to help push your endeavor to the finish line. Contact us today.